I recently connected with a childhood friend. Don’t you just love the internet?! Both of us were newly married. At the time I was just over 6 years and she is just over 2 years. This is not a first marriage for either of us. When I asked her how she met her husband she… [Read More]
Online Dating and Baby Boomers
I have read a number of articles on boomers and online dating. One particular article said that boomers are more open to online dating – why – mainly because their kids are doing it, and not only doing it but finding Love Online! This has given boomers a trust of online dating that they may… [Read More]
Welcome to Baby Boomer Dating Site Blog
Well after a long period of not posting at Blogger we decided to get rolling again… But with a fresh installation of WordPress instead of using Blogger. Stay tuned… Just got this up and will be posting and adding features. Thanks for dropping by! Jaca