A Different Type of Security Issue Boomers Face When Online Dating
You should know that you have to take certain security precautions when you are online dating. You also should know that there are security precautions you need to take when you first meet your online dating connection in person.
What I want to talk about now is a different security precaution you need to take.
A few weeks ago I read an article about a study they wanted to do based on the fact that boomers are more likely to pick up an STD through dating with someone they met through an online dating site. This article went on to say that with this age group they are more likely not to take precautions.
They are more likely to quickly indulge in a physical relationship then they would it they had not met through an online dating site.
I, personally, do not agree that online dating had anything to do with it. I also do not agree that boomers are less likely to protect themselves because they are passed child bearing age.
But I did think it was a good thing to talk about here because I am a big believer in security, all security, when it comes to online dating (online and off).
When you meet someone through online dating you do get to know them better, share more information, than you would someone you are just dating. This is because you spend a lot of time sending messages back and forth, talking on the phone and possibly even sharing videos. By the time you arrange to meet you probably have spent more time getting to know each other than you would if you had dated for a year (or more).
That is my personal experience.
When you do meet for the first time security precautions need to be taken like, meeting in a public place, let people know where you are going and when you will be back, take your cell phone, etc.
Now what if you really hit it off and feel comfortable enough to go back your/their home and want to be intimate. Certainly there is nothing wrong with that, but you still need to think security (besides the obvious security issues).
If you want to be intimate make sure you use protection.
This may sound like an obvious, but in the heat of passion it can get overlooked.
You may know you are ‘clean’, your partner may know they are ‘clean’, or maybe you just think they are. Let me tell you a story.
My ex-husband cheated on me, a lot. I didn’t really know this for sure until the end of our marriage. At a point in our marriage my doctor told me I had an infection that would go away with antibiotics. He told me the name but I had no idea what it was. I looked it up when I got home and discovered it was an STD.
I did not know he was cheating on me and I did not have any symptoms.
So you just never know what you, or they, may be carrying unless you both have recently been tested and show each other the results. If you are uncomfortable doing that then be sure to use protection.
Being safe when you are intimate is important for all ages including ours.