I had a dream the other night where once I reached the outcome of the dream I thought I could do better, so I asked it I could redo it.
I was told that yes I could go back. I asked if everything would still be the same except for the changes I wanted to make, and I was told yes When I went back everything had changed, nothing was the same, I couldn’t even start again. Of course this was a dream, but it holds true in life.
When you are looking at connecting with someone through online dating you may hesitate for a number of reasons. Maybe he/she looks great, sounds great, but maybe you feel you are not ready yet. Or maybe you see someone and want to try to connect with but they don’t live near you, or they don’t say they like gardening (which is your passion), or … So you don’t connect. Then you think about it for awhile and decide you want to connect but it’s too late.
When you find someone that you feel an attraction to – who has similar interests, who just feels kinda right – don’t hesitate. Sending a message doesn’t mean you are making a commitment, but not sending a message could mean you have lost a connection to someone that could be a life long partner.
I am telling you this because when I was online dating I did hesitate on contacting the person I found interesting but the hesitation was only to think it about it (not even over-night) and now we have been married for almost 15 years now. If I hesitated too long this may not have happened at all. So think twice before you decide not to contact, or not to answer your online dating connection.